Calgary Custom Mouth & Night Guards
Custom mouth guards are dental devices designed to cover your teeth and provide protection. The material is molded to the shape of your teeth and cushions them, preventing damage or injuries.
Dental Choice offers custom mouth guards in Calgary to help patients achieve optimal dental protection. Our dental professionals will take impressions of your teeth and construct mouth guards using adjustable materials in an attempt to ensure a tight, comfortable fit.
Who Is a Candidate for Custom Mouth Guards?
Our dentists recommend mouth guards to help protect and secure the teeth and other areas of the mouth. Mouth guards are usually used as preventive measures, but there are cases where the devices aid in treating a dental condition. Here are a few common situations that may make you a candidate for custom mouth guards.
- Patients with teeth grinding: Patients who have bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, clench or grind their teeth during their sleep or while awake. When left untreated, this condition can lead to tooth damage, tooth decay, jaw pain and headaches. When you get a custom mouth guard for teeth grinding in Calgary, you may enjoy a protective barrier between your lower and upper teeth that can help alleviate the condition’s symptoms and prevent further damage.
- Sports athletes: Mouth guards are usually mandatory protective gear in most high-impact sports. Since the teeth, mouth and jaw can sustain an injury during a game, sports athletes can benefit from the added layer of protection between their teeth. Sports that may require a mouth guard include boxing, football, ice hockey, soccer and lacrosse, but any athlete can wear them.

What Are Custom Sports Mouth Guards?
Custom sports mouth guards are devices made to fit the exact structure of an athlete’s mouth to protect against injuries when playing sports. A sports guard usually covers the upper teeth and gums. They are worn to prevent or reduce trauma to a player’s teeth, gums, lips and jaw when forceful contact or impact occurs.
Dental Choice strives to offer quality custom sports mouth guards in Calgary to facilitate the best possible fit for dental protection.

Benefits of Custom Mouth Guards
Here are a few benefits of choosing custom mouth guards for your dental protection needs:
- Individualized fit: Dental professionals use an impression of your mouth, teeth and gums to create a mouth guard that is made to fit you precisely. The custom fit makes these devices easier to wear and stay on for as long as needed.
- Better comfort: Over-the-counter mouth guards usually don’t offer a precise fit, making them less comfortable. Custom mouth guards are fitted to your mouth’s exact dimensions, which makes breathing and talking while wearing them much easier.
- Added protection: Custom mouth guards are effective at protecting teeth against the damage caused by grinding. For people who participate in sports, the custom fit safeguards against various kinds of injury, from tooth factures to lacerations.
Choose Dental Choice for Calgary Custom Mouth Guards
If you want custom dental mouth guards in Calgary, schedule an appointment with one of our professionals. We aim to provide well-fitted, high-quality dental protection.