Dental fillings are used to replace natural tooth material that’s lost because of decay. They’re designed to last for years, but eventually, all fillings need to be replaced. Day after day, they get quite a workout as you eat, drink, clench and grind your teeth. All this activity means that your filling can get broken or fall out.
Broken fillings or a filling that falls out is an extremely common dental issue. One moment you’ll be eating, the next you’ll feel something hard in your mouth. If the exposed tissue causes sensitivity or pain, you’ll require emergency dental care.
Whether or not you experience any symptoms from your broken filling, it’s important to make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. The same bacteria that cause tooth decay can fill the gap left by the cracked or chipped filling. This situation can cause further deterioration in your tooth or even a more serious oral health concern.
How are these broken fillings fixed? You can do a few things as you wait for your dental appointment. However, it’s up to your dentist to truly repair the damage.
What to Do Before Your Dentist Appointment
There’s no way to fix a broken dental filling on your own, so it’s crucial to make an appointment as soon as possible before bacteria find a way into the gap left by the broken filling. If the issue is left untreated, you’re at a higher risk of losing your tooth. However, if you can’t get a dental appointment immediately, there are a few things you can do to minimize any pain you’re experiencing and reduce the risk of complications. Remember the following:
- Over-the-counter medications can be used to reduce painful side effects.
- Salt and hot water can cleanse the area and reduce painful symptoms.
- Cold compresses reduce any swelling experienced.
- Dental cement from a local drug store can temporarily cover the tooth surface and protect it from bacteria.
Dental Treatments for Broken Filling Repair
At Dental Choice, most of our dentists leave time in their schedule for emergency issues that can arise, like broken or dislodged fillings. If possible, we’ll fit you in the same day you contact us. Many of our offices in Calgary and Edmonton have evening and weekend hours. Even if our office is closed, be sure to listen to the instructions on our answering machine to find out what to do for urgent dental care.
When you come in for your appointment, we’ll take an x-ray of your teeth to determine which treatment option is best. If possible, we’ll simply replace the filling. Your dentist will go over options for filling material with you and help you make a decision. In some cases, the tooth may require a root canal or a crown to ensure the integrity of the tooth. Very rarely will a tooth need to be extracted.
Request an Urgent Appointment at Dental Choice
When dental fillings fall out or become broken, it’s an emergency situation that requires immediate dental assistance. Be sure to contact a Dental Choice location near you. We will provide you with an urgent appointment as soon as possible.